In search of solutions


Finding technology solutions that work within the independent landscape

In the ever-evolving landscape of hospitality, technology stands as a cornerstone, fundamentally transforming hotel operations and services. Its pivotal role in enhancing guest experiences and streamlining operational efficiency cannot be overstated. There was a time when check-ins and accounting relied on pen and paper, and banners and signs were the go-to method to attract passing vehicles, highlighting the profound transformation brought about by technology in today’s landscape. Today, independent properties benefit from choosing and implementing technology tailored to their specific needs, allowing for a personalized and efficient approach aligned with each property’s distinctive character.

Independent hotels can leverage backoffice technology of their choice as a powerful tool to enhance operational efficiency and streamline various facets of their business. Implementing a property management system (PMS) tailored to the property’s needs allows ownership groups to make decisions that fit their unique requirements. Financial processes are optimized through the integration of accounting software, automating tasks such as invoicing, expense tracking, and payroll. Back-office technology allows efficient communication among departments, ensuring a seamless flow of information. Analytics tools integrated into the back office enable data-driven decision-making, providing insights into occupancy patterns, guest preferences, and operational bottlenecks. Embracing back-office technology enables independent hotels to streamline day-to-day operations and deliver a more personalized and efficient guest experience.

Investing in energy-efficient technologies, such as smart thermostats and lighting systems, significantly reduces utility bills for independent hotels. These systems automatically adjust settings based on occupancy, optimizing energy consumption and lowering costs. Choosing the right technology, such as hotel room energy control units and wireless AC control, is crucial for maximizing cost savings. Leveraging utility company rebates further enhances the financial benefits of adopting these energy-efficient solutions aligning with sustainability goals, and providing both environmental and financial advantages.

Seamless guest experiences are synonymous with technology in the modern hospitality landscape. From online reservation systems to guest engagement technology and reputation management systems, hotels can streamline the check-in/check-out process and empower guests with convenience and control over their stay.

While branded properties rigorously test and vet technology solutions and require the use of certain technology and systems, independent hotels have the freedom to choose systems tailored to their unique style and customer base.

In the digital age, a robust online presence is critical for attracting and engaging guests. Technology enables hotels to leverage social media platforms, online travel agencies (OTAs), and their own websites for effective property marketing. Virtual tours and targeted advertising empower hotels to reach a global audience and remain competitive in a crowded market.

When evaluating new technologies, independent hotel ownership groups face the challenge of selection. While branded properties rigorously test and vet technology solutions and require the use of certain technology and systems, independent hotels have the freedom to choose systems tailored to their unique style and customer base. The challenge lies in navigating the vast array of available technologies. To address this, the first step is identifying specific needs and desired outcomes. Attending hotel conferences and trade shows is crucial for gaining knowledge about the available technologies in the industry. Assessing whether the chosen technology contributes to operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, or adds value to the bottom line is essential. Lastly, requesting a trial or a sample before implementation allows you to test and vet the technology solution firsthand.

In conclusion, as technology advances, its impact on the independent hotel industry will continue to evolve. Independent hotels that embrace and integrate technology have a chance to be at the forefront of the industry. The symbiotic relationship between hospitality and technology is not just a trend but a fundamental shift promising enhanced guest experiences, more efficient operations, and increased competitiveness for independent hotels.

ricky patel

Ricky Patel serves as the President of Toli Ventures, a Los Angeles-based hotel company specializing in the acquisitions and management of hotels and motels, primarily in the Southern California region. His academic background includes a degree in Economics from the University of California, Irvine (UCI), and a specialization in Accounting from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He can be reached at .



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